5 Reminders of the Promises of God

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5 Reminders of the Promises of God

5 Reminders of the Promises of God

We must be reminded by the promises of God. Today I want to share 5 reminders of the promises of God.

Being a Christian doesn’t make you exempted from the troubles of this world. In fact, the Bible even confirmed that we will experience troubles in different shapes and sizes but what we can bank on is God’s unfailing love evidenced by the promises of God. That he gave us.

  • Take no thought about the things of this world

When we are living by the spirit, this means that we no longer look at our needs as something to drive us to be anxious about to work hard to get those needs filled.  God reminds us that these are the very things that the world is after, meaning people who live in the mental and physical plane, but as for those living in the spiritual realm this should not be the case.

  • Realize that God is our strength

Having a consciousness of God gives awareness that regardless of an enemy’s great strength that is but an arm of flesh—nothingness. And living as a salt and a light, this arm of flesh is a weapon that cannot work against you.  Hezekiah and David’s stories are an encouragement for everyone who lives spiritual lives. No matter how powerless we may be on a physical aspect, we need not cower. No matter how outnumbered we may be, as long as we have God on our side, who can be against us?    

  • Remain in the vine

Apart from the vine, we are dead. Apart from the vine, our destiny is to wither and be thrown. The vine is one with the source, so if the branch is connected to the vine, then the source flows. The reason why some people who are not exactly bad live miserable lives is because they are not connected to the branch, which is Jesus.

  • Realize that security comes from God

Having peace does not depend on the amount of money you have in the bank, nor does it come by attaining a high position in a certain company. Peace cannot even be a freebie of having a complete family or having the job you have always wished for. Peace can only be attained from one’s consciousness. It cannot be drawn from any outside factor.

If we bring an awareness of God’s presence anywhere, there will befall no evil in that place. A consciousness of God is what brings that sense of peace, for Christ himself is the Prince of Peace.  

  • Know your identity

Understand clearly that nothing can be added unto us. Do you know your true identity or who you really are? The truth about who we are is that we are sons of God according to that purity within us.

The Holy Spirit is witness with our own spirit that we are children of God. And because we are children, we are also heirs.  Realizing that we are children of a powerful God, God becomes our measure of capacity. This is our true identity. Know more about these promises.

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