Your Personal Prophecy is Motivation

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Your Personal Prophecy is Motivation

Your Personal Prophecy is Motivation

Your personal prophecy is motivation just for you. Prophesying without the motivation to win souls to God is futile. It is a powerless strategy. Wise Christians’ motivation centers on joy because they aim to please and delight God. The prophet of God, ministries focus on making God smile. Do your prophet of God have the same motivation? Do you find joy in making God pleased with your actions?

Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.   Brian Tracy

And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men  Colossians 3:23 KJV

Your personal prophecy that is given; to you should be looked as motivation. Motivation is an art and like any other art, it requires wisdom and skill. Without adequate skill, it can be done poorly. Motivation is essential when prophesying. You would probably drag yourself to Sunday worship services if not because of motivation. Motivation is an art gained when you are fully committed to the Lord.

In a workplace, you can see that new employees are highly-motivated to do their job. They are filled with so much passion. They’re on fire with what they’re doing. They are the ones eager to get their jobs done, and to excel in their chosen field.

God is pleased when you are on fire for Him.  

This motivation should be the inspiration to share and preach the word of God. This kind of motivation should fire up your spirits with enthusiasm for prophesying. God is pleased when you are on fire for Him. Remember that He is a jealous God, and He wants your full attention.

How to use your personal prophecy as motivation?

Motivation is literally the desire to do things. It’s the crucial time of setting and attaining goals. It’s mustering up self-control to be able to fully achieve motivation on a certain task or mission. So figure out and ponder on the things you wish to attain. Have the power to achieve this and set your minds on who you want to be.

Master the art of motivation. The secret to do that is to focus your attention to God. Desire to have more of Him in your life. Desire for Him to give you wisdom.

Ask yourselves this question: “What are you willing to give up in order to fully experience God in your life?”  What is your motivation?  What can make you turn your back on the standards of this world? Are you fully committed to God’s will? Are you for His calling?

Copeland, M. A. (2009). “The Epistle to the Galatians. Wereap what we sow (6:7-9).” Retrieved from

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