A Bigger Prize

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A Bigger Prize

A Bigger Prize

There was an experiment made by scientists called the Cookie Experiment. They each placed a cookie in front of a child and gave them a set of rules. One was that they have to wait for the scientist to return at a set time; and another was that they had the option to either eat the cookie now or later.

If they ate the cookie right then and there, then they would have the privilege of having that cookie. But if they waited for the scientist to come back and not eat the cookie before the time ran out, then they would have an even bigger reward. Those children who were patient got themselves a huge chocolate cupcake.

All of us are waiting for the scientist to arrive. In this world, we have been given that same test. We can either reap the rewards of this mortal life in the form of riches, material wealth and gain, or if we hold out to the set of rules that we have been given, God’s commandments, then we can enjoy the real blessings. More than just a cookie, we, too, can receive a much larger chocolate cupcake.

God wants us to have more and be more. He has given us what we must do in order to achieve it. He loves us so much that He has sacrificed His Only Begotten Son to be our Savior, Lord and Redeemer.

Let us hold true to our covenants made with Him and receive more than what we sacrificed for. He is a gracious God and He will continue to give. We are eternally in His debt.

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