The Enemy Wants To Disrupt The Abundance In Your Life

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The Enemy Wants To Disrupt The Abundance In Your Life

The Enemy Wants To Disrupt The Abundance In Your Life

The enemy wants to disrupt the bountiful arrival of your abundance, prosperity, and blessings.


You must rectify your money language because if you fail to do so, three money-attacking events could take place such as: 


  1. You will unknowingly repel your money visitation dates!


  1. You will dispel your money blessings arrival!


  1. You will void your LAW of ABUNDANCE check by default!


In Philippians 2:14, it states, 


“Do all things without murmurings and disputings.”


The Lord says that it is pivotal that you understand that if you doubt the idea of having money, you will only drive it away!


Don’t sever the beautiful relationship you could have with money by attacking it because money is a tool that can enable you to live a fruitful and happy life. 


You must take note that you won’t be able to enjoy its prosperity if you don’t acknowledge it as a positive symbol in your life!


During this transformative season, you must distance yourself from complaints and criticisms that detract abundance from your experience! Examine the words of others because there are people who speak from a space of attack when it comes to abundance! You’re about to walk away from these individuals because they are only delaying the arrival of your abundance!


ABUNDANCE won’t show up if all you do is murmur and dispute its presence in your life, especially wherever and whenever it appears.


You must control your emotional reaction(s), as well. For example, notice how you feel when you log into your bank accounts.

  • Are you squinting, hoping for the best?


  • Do you feel good, bad, something in between?


  • Do you feel empowered? Dis-empowered? Frustrated? Embarrassed?


  • Are you ignoring or avoiding paying close attention to your money?


Every murmur, dispute, and feeling you embody will either attract your abundance or attack it! One of the most dis-empowering things is to feel bad about your money because of a belief that you don’t have a lot of it.


When you do this, you perpetuate the cycle of scarcity around money. You continue to think there isn’t enough, and therefore, you avoid your money, overspend, and have so much fear around it.




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