I feel your leap forward happening now as I type this blessed letter! Thank heaven! I hear the Holy Spirit saying, “YOUR SUFFERING IS COMING TO AN END! “THE ANOINTING DESTROYS THE YOKE! I see obviously that you have even endured the budgetary tempests of life during the previous eight months, haven’t you? The Lord says, “YOUR MONEY SHORTAGE IS OVER!”
That is on the grounds that the God that you serve needs you to have the best from paradise. As your own prophet, I further hear God saying, “2020 is your breathe out season.”
I twofold challenge you to start lauding God any place you are at this moment, in light of the fact that your past should not be anticipating a negative result in your future! Magnificence, HALLELUJAH!
In 2020, the adversary will realize rout more than ever. It’s dependent upon you to quit enabling the foe to control what you do through how you think! I hear God saying, “Make your solicitations known to Me, and I will give you your deepest longings when you comply with My Divine directions.” I am here to advise you that the God-in-you is greater than any issue you have. You are a relentless power that can’t be denied! I’ll state that once more, you are a relentless power that can’t be denied! DO YOU BELIEVE THE PROPHET? Since…
Truly, this is where God is requesting that you stroll in greatness. In 2020, the intensity of prescience will make new entryways around you that will make old burdens break. You should comprehend that you are dreadfully and superbly made. Your problems will not take you down. It’s just in your life to make your declaration!
The Bible says, “I am come that they may have life, and that they may have it all the more liberally.” (John 10:10) Today, I need you to realize that the prophetic word that I have for your life is timestamped. In light of the fact that it is intended to wreck the present burden in your life that is restricting you from encountering Divine wellbeing, Divine riches, and Divine harmony!
Prepare, in light of the fact that you’re going to rise into a more prominent measurement even within the sight of your foes. Whatever issues you’ve been having, your pledge of prescience is coming to talk life and rebuilding to your circumstance, in Jesus’ name!
In 2 Kings section 5, we discover the tale of an agnostic authority going to a prophet of God for recuperating. Naaman, was the administrator of the ruler of Syria’s military. Presently, this was a powerful man with considerable power. Then he more likely than not hated himself in view of his sickness. As soon as the leader heard about the man in Israel who had extraordinary forces from God, he went to see the prophet; Elijah.
Naaman requested Elijah’s assistance and Elijah instructed him to, “Proceed to wash in the Jordan seven-time, and your substance will be reestablished.” But as opposed to doing this, Naaman lost control and left. It was simply after his worker prevailed upon him that he at long last yielded and plunged himself multiple times in the waterway, as indicated by the expression of the prophet. At the point when he complied with the prophet, his tissue was reestablished like the substance of a little kid, and he was spotless! Tune in, it wasn’t the water that recuperated Naaman. It was His confidence and compliance in God. Stunning!
Now and again, you need to quit anticipating that things should go the manner. You’ll figure they ought to go and essentially believe that the guidance of the prophet will make you entire, in all actuality, the burden must be broken when you believe that God can break it on the grounds that…
There is a burden that is going to end within the next following 30 days. YOU NEED TO BE AWARE OF THIS MIGHTY PROPHETIC EVENT! I should discharge this word into your life. Be that as it may, I can possibly discharge it when you discharge a demonstration of trust!