A New Path Is Being Made for Us!

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A New Path Is Being Made for Us!

A New Path Is Being Made for Us!

If we want to experience victory after victory, we must listen to the Holy Spirit and follow the Father’s instructions. Our destinies are filled with purpose. Allow only God’s peace to have entrance into our personal space. What God has for us is too big for us to settle for average.

Life as we know it is about to experience a major transformation. God does not want us to live just averagely. The anointing on our lives supersedes being average. The Holy Spirit gives us the power to trample on serpents!

Our journey has had many ups and downs, but the Holy Spirit is saying, “A new path is being made for us.”

The enemy does not want us to read this, as anointed people of God! The enemy knows that our lives will radically change by staying connected with the prophet. Don’t make excuses for what the Holy Spirit does. The prophetic word of the Lord is a game changer. Every time God speaks through His prophet, the results are incredible.

Take A Stand and Head to the New Path

We still have time to receive what the Holy Spirit is saying about our lives. The universe is waiting for us to take a stand against our naysayers. Don’t be alarmed when life starts speeding up and we start seeing the power of prophecy manifesting in our lives, because the Holy Spirit is in the process of redeeming our time. That’s good news! The plans that God has for us are for prosperity, peace, abundance and money!

The secret is out!  The chains that were holding us captive have fallen to the ground. The Holy Spirit is saying, “Fasten your seat belt and enjoy the ride.” Don’t panic when we find ourselves on the roller coaster of life. The prophetic word is going to prepare us to defeat the enemy. Close your eyes and trust that God knows what He is doing!

No trial, no tribulation, no stumbling block, no defeat, no heartache will stop us from crossing over. The next season will bring a level of excitement that will result in new money, new hope and new breakthroughs.

Trust the Prophetic Word

If only we could hear all the testimonies that are pouring into the ministry! The prophetic word is making a tremendous difference in the lives of the partners who trust what God has to say.

Don’t let the enemy trick us into thinking there is something wrong with knowing what is ahead of us. The Holy Spirit never wants us to be unprepared for the journey. He is constantly telling us which way we should go. Only the enemy wants us to stay blind to obstacles that we must face.

Do not hesitate, the clock is ticking. Step out in faith and trust God for the new beginnings that are taking place around us. A new level of communication is opening for us. Let’s keep our ears pressed to the pavement. When the prophet speaks, heaven is listening. God takes pleasure in our prosperity and success!

We cannot come into wealth in isolation. We need a prophetic guide to help us navigate the rough patches, the crooked places and the dry spaces. DO NOT worry about our tomorrow. The prophets are going to walk us through and give us prophetic instructions and warnings!

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