Accepted in the Beloved

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Accepted in the Beloved

Accepted in the Beloved

How do we explain this tension in our daily lives between our practical sanctification and our eternal position and standing before God? The believer’s positional standing before God never ever changes. No believer is less justified than another. We are either acquitted by God or we stand condemned. We are either a child of God by adoption or we are an enemy. We either have eternal life, or weare dead in trespasses and sins. Our standing before God, once we are His child, does not change. Our sonship does not depend upon our fellowship with Him. It is the other way around. Our fellowship with God depends upon our sonship. There are degrees in our fellowship, but there can be none in our justification before God. Sometimes we are warm and sometimes we are cold in our fellowship, but our sonship never changes since we were adopted as His children. Christ alone is our righteousness and results in our right relationship with God. Christ is of God made unto us righteousness. If a right standing depended upon our faith or our faithfulness we would be eternally condemned. It depends upon Christ’s righteousness accepted as His gift by faith. It does not depend upon our endeavors, but upon the finished work of Christ. Regarding the Christian’s acceptance and standing before a righteous God is concerned, God sees nothing from His throne but Christ Jesus alone and Him crucified. And since the believer is in Him and one with Him, he shares Christ’s place in the Father’s heart. No matter how unworthy the believer is in himself, he may know without a doubt that he is accepted in the Beloved. Bishop Jordan believe that Christ presents us to the Father clothed in the garments of His own righteousness.Jesus represents us to God. We see God in Christ. God sees us in Christ. God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself. We in Christ are reconciled to God. “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ” (Romans 8:1)

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