Be Ready for Prophetic Word

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Be Ready for Prophetic Word

Be Ready for Prophetic Word

For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

2 Corinthians 11:13-15 KJV

How can you be ready for prophetic words? What are the most essential things in your Christian living? First, being a Christian means hearing straight from God. This is a unique trait of a Christian. When a believer commits himself to Christ, he gave the benefit of speaking to that believer directly. God uses prophets, but when you have a deep relationship with Christ, you are likely to discern his word. You hear God’s voice, and communicating with Him is not at all difficult.

Obeying His commandments are the next thing you need to do in order to be ready for prophetic words. When you are a true-born Christian, then you won’t find obeying His commandments a problem. In fact, it delights you when you follow His lead.  Scripture confirms that by following His commandments, God gives His wisdom and grace.

Indeed, it is always in the Lord’s heart to communicate with his Body, the Church. It is important to personally hear from him. This is the normal pattern of every believer – hearing from God, obeying His commands, and using His wisdom for a successful Christian living.

Why is it important to be ready for prophecies? What is the importance of prophecies? The Lord can speak through prophecy in times when a believer is not hearing God’s voice due to being new in the faith, too emotional in his circumstances, and having doubts with his conviction. Also, prophecies are vital to confirm someone’s faith when it is being put to the test. Moreover, the Lord reveals things about someone’s life, and establishes a connection with that person through prophecies.

How can you tell if you are ready to receive a prophecy? When you are too overwhelmed with the prophecy and you feel not comfortable about it, then maybe you are not yet ready to receive this blessing. But, when you are energized with this word, then this is the perfect time for you to receive and thank God for it.

Your faith is a great contributing factor to your readiness. You have to arm yourself with the grace and power of God for you to be ready of His abundant blessings. God is at work in each and everyone’s life. He has great plans for each one of us. Have faith and be ready for prophetic words.

You can right now receive an accurate free prophecy from Bishop Jordan also known as the Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan. You will receive a free prophecy by email under 48 hours. A personal word of prophecy just for you.

God Bless 

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