Bigger Than You Think

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Bigger Than You Think

Bigger Than You Think

Sometimes we Christians think so little of ourselves. We often think that we are powerless beings who always need help and saving. Now that you are a Christian and that you have God, you actually have the power inside of you to make things happen. When you receive the power of prophecy in your life, you realize this truth and it will change your life completely. You are bigger than you think. You are god. As god you can create all things. God and man are one and undivided. There is no separation. There is no other God. God is not outside of you. Christ is in you. He is in the tomb of your mind, your consciousness. You must begin to roll away the skull from your consciousness and realize that Christ is already inside of you. Your body is the temple of God. God’s kingdom dwells in you. His throne dwells in your consciousness. When you receive your free written prophecy, you will realize the gifts and talents that God has set-aside just for you in order for you to fulfill your prophetic destiny. You must consider yourself to be a powerful being now that you know that God is in you.

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