Conditional Prophecies

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Conditional Prophecies

Conditional Prophecies

God reveals prophecies to His children in His right time. There will come a time when it takes him quite a while to answer a prayer or make things happen. But there are also times when He would instantly give his answer. God works in His perfect time and we have to understand that He knows better. Personal prophecies work the same way. We need to be patient when it comes to God revealing His purposes for us. We cannot hurry our destiny. There are prophecies that are conditional with their fulfillment, dependent on human behavior. Others are unconditional, as they will take place no matter what happens. Conditional prophecies are described as prophetic promises and declarations made by God to individuals, that can be canceled, altered, reversed, or diminished. They can fail and never be fulfilled. But you must rest in the truth that if you stay true to your faith in God then He will give you all of your heart’s desires. Always remember that you also contribute in these conditional prophecies. today and receive your prophetic reading. Learn how to keep in close connection to God in order for your prophetic destiny to be fulfilled.

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