Confusion and Misunderstanding Are Tactics of the Enemy
God has made many promises to you and me in His word. However, when we don’t acquire the wisdom we need, then we might be waiting for something to happen that isn’t exactly what is supposed to happen Confusion and Misunderstanding.
What does this mean? It means that we might be waiting for something that isn’t in accordance with God’s plan for our life. And when it doesn’t come, we begin to doubt God. We begin to get impatient. We begin to get disappointed. Some even turn angry and this is exactly what the enemy wants. That’s why you need to know that confusion and misunderstanding are actually tactics of the enemy.
I want you to take a moment and honestly answer these three questions:
HONESTLY, whenever a person promises you something, aren’t there times when you’ve interpreted it in another way?
HONESTLY, are there times when you’ve failed in different assignments just because of adding or subtracting something to what God was saying to you?
HONESTLY, aren’t there moments that you can reflect upon where you didn’t listen as clearly as you could have to God’s instruction(s)?
If your answer is yes yes yes, then you have been misled by the tactics of the enemy. You need WISDOM to stop misunderstanding what God is saying to you. Be guided by the gift of wisdom and the prophetic word to witness the sweet manifestation of God’s glory.
Here is a word for you this season:
As your personal prophet, I see a PROPHETIC PROMISE that God has made to you that’s now set to visit your altar through your understanding.
I also see a PROPHETIC ASSIGNMENT God is about to place before you that you must not add to or subtract from! You need to clearly understand what God is saying to you in this season of elevation.
If you listen clearly and understand the instructions that God gives you through the prophet, there is going to be a PROPHETIC MOMENT called INCREASE that God can walk you into.
Connect with me to understand your prophetic assignment and your prophetic moment. Your prophet is here to help you enter a place of increase and witness the manifestation of God’s promises.