Contributing to the Common Good

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Contributing to the Common Good

Contributing to the Common Good

When she got up to go back to work, Boaz ordered his servants: “Let her glean where there’s still plenty of grain on the ground—make it easy for her. Better yet, pull some of the good stuff out and leave it for her to glean. Give her special treatment.” (Ruth 2:15-16)

We should all try to be kind to one another and teach each other how to be kind as well, in the same way Boaz did. Once we are able to think of the needs of others instead of just our own, we can begin to build a world that works for everybody. Some might argue that Boaz was in a position that made it easy for him to give. He was wealthy, so it did not cost him too much to show generosity and kindness to Ruth. It is true that those who have more are able to give more, however, that does not mean that our less-fortunate brothers and sisters have nothing to offer.

Everybody has something to offer that will contribute to the common good. It may not necessarily be something physical such as money or property. Sometimes, just offering your time or your skills can make a big difference.

You will be surprised at how much one person is able to show great acts of kindness and generosity, despite their limited resources. If you want to create a world that works for everybody, start by being kind and thinking about how you can be of help to others. Like Boaz, you can make someone’s life a little better, and you will be surprised at how they too may be able to help you in return.

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