Creating Your Own Story With Prophecy

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Creating Your Own Story With Prophecy

Creating Your Own Story With Prophecy

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. – 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV

Creating your own story is an everyday thing for everyone. Experiences, relationships and events are what they are and what they have been because they were created. For some, they live their lives taking on what is there, going with the current flow of how it is. They look at their past, present and future as things of fate. But thing is, everyone is in control but only some choose to control what happens to them. God has given us the gift to control our lives, to create our own life stories. To fully understand how  to embody it so we get the best stories created for ourselves, we need personal prophecy.

It takes the right language, assessment, participation and mood for a good story to be created.

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man. – Colossians 4:6 KJV

Everything started and remains in language. The present is the result of languages communicated in the past. You are the product of language, and you will be your language. Man lives a linguistic being. That is just how it is. Language completes your humanness – your existence. Speaking and listening is language. When you speak, you create a story. When you listen to a story, you consume it. When you listen to prophecy, you consume the Word of God. God has given you the ultimate power to create and consume stories through language. Through prophetic alignment, you learn the right language to create your best life story to share.

Every story creates and initiates observation, leading to different assessments for everyone. Every story has the capability to create emotion and reaction among people. It is therefore a big thing that you understand your personal prophecy. Your personal prophecy will help build yourself as well as touch and influence people to their personal prophecies.

Your personal prophecy will also help you get to the right mood as you create your stories. Positive moods create positive stories, and negative moods create negative stories. Negatives stories leads you away from shaping your being the way God wants it to be. It triggers wrong observations, assessments and action. Positive stories, on the other hand, gives you control over your life. The right mood will give you consciousness in your observations and assessments. Let God take you to your best life story. Listen to Him. Get your free prophecy now.

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