Definition of Honor

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Definition of Honor

Definition of Honor

What does “honor” mean to you? The dictionary says that honor means good reputation. It is a good quality or character as judged by other people. In other words, honor brings “worthiness” and “respect” to a person. When a man has honor, it means that he is a man of integrity. In the eyes of many, that man is a man of decency and principle.

Now, what does it mean to “give honor” to someone? Referring to the definition earlier, if honor brings respect to a person, then giving honor to someone means respecting that person. So when you honor somebody, you are giving that person high regards. You respect that person and admire him for his high moral standards of behavior.

People honor others depending on the standards they have. This is because people have varying definitions and principles when it comes to worthiness and respect. But regardless of “worldly standards”, there is one thing that honor requires, and that is for everyone to give honor to their parents. No matter how strict and high the world’s standards towards giving honor to people may be, this cannot limit the amount of honor that a child has to give to his parents.

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