Discovering Our Soul Purpose

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Discovering Our Soul Purpose

Discovering Our Soul Purpose

Not being aware of one’s life purpose can cause some of us to experience extreme sadness, grief, depression and ill health because the soul on some level realizes it is not fulfilling its greatest desire to reunite with all that is and evolve into the knowing Spirit it deserve to be. By giving our self the opportunity to reflect on our current and past circumstances, situations and personal relationship we can start to see where we are consistently creating opportunity often perceived as difficulties in our life. We can only do this through prayer and faith and by walking closely with the Lord. We will discover God’s will for our life as we become the person od wants us to be. It is all about our relationship with Him. And that relationship loke any other is something that evolves and emerges over time. “ For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each of you should know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor, not in passion and lust, like Gentiles who do not know God.” (1 Thessalonians 4:3-5) Bishop Jordan believes that the gifts God gives us are like little seeds planted inside us but for them to grow we have to use them. This means that if we cannot identify which gift seeds God has given us, try doing new things that interest us. Through these new experiences, God will reveal more to us about who we are and how God has called us to serve Him. It is about what God wants to do through us. If we ignore or neglect our dissatisfaction what others say about us, our gifts and our passion, we are not only betraying our self but betraying God, because God has called us to a purpose and wants us to walk in it for others and for our own joy. Let us all experience enlightenment in our own way, in our own time and in our own truth, because that is the only path that leads to eternity. If you want to get your free personal prophecy and finding your purpose in life. Talk to Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan.

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