Do Not Let Your Moods Control You

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Do Not Let Your Moods Control You

Do Not Let Your Moods Control You

Like the previous mood, there is a time and a season for every mood. The Lord created us with a mind that can create moods so that we can be accountable and free to choose the mood that best serves us in that particular season. Moods do not control us, we control and create the moods we operate in.

Elijah wanted to prove to the king that it was his fault for disobeying God that the nation was being punished. His purpose was not birthed out of pride. Instead, he wanted to make God’s glory known. He wanted to show king and the nation who the One True God was, for them to reject the false Canaanite Gods they were worshipping. This mood led him to challenge the prophets of Baal and Asherah on Mount Carmel. It was to be Elijah’s greatest public miracle.

Of course, we cannot assure that we will always succeed when we take on challenges. However, it is certain that after every challenge, we will grow. We may experience a few failures every now and then, but these failures only teach us to become stronger and wiser.

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