Do What you Can do Today

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Do What you Can do Today

Do What you Can do Today

Eventually, our bodies too will deteriorate, and our actions will be limited by this. Therefore, we must try to do what we can now that we are still able. There are many people who are too lazy to work, which is why they never arrive at their goals. They either put off the work for later on, or decide altogether that they will not take any action at all. The problem with this is that they will find later on in life, that they have settled out of sheer laziness.

That is not to say that those who are elderly cannot accomplish anything –in fact, God explicitly stated that they are still permitted to contribute. The point here is that, at different points in our lives, we will be capable of different things. Thus, we must maximize the work that we are capable of today, because we will never know when our next chance might be. Think of where you are at this point in your life. What are you capable of doing? What can you do today, that you probably won’t have the opportunity to do tomorrow?

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