Experience Abundance Through Your Free Prophecy

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Experience Abundance Through Your Free Prophecy

Experience Abundance Through Your Free Prophecy

Do you know it is time for you to experience abundance through your free prophecy? Are you frustrated because you feel like you have not received the abundance and prosperity that God wants for your life? Do not fear. Bishop Jordan wishes you to experience the blessings that God has for you. The reason why you may not be receiving is because you’re not letting. The moment I can let be and be still, that is the moment that God can be God in me. What are you ready for God to be? Now, He is going to ask you to empty out something. The Bible says that you cannot put new wine in old wineskins. There has to be an emptying out, a losing of everything so you can have all things. There is something that God wants to get into your life, but you must begin to meditate day and night. Going into meditation is like going back into the darkness, where everything is Spirit. That is the source of where your supply is coming from before it hardens into a fact, before it materializes. But you must go into the darkness. You have to be like Jacob and begin to trick the father. You have to refuse to go out into the field, which is the facts, the outer world, but go back into the house, which is in your imagination, and you meet with mother (your subconscious mind) there, and let her dress you up. “Do you feel like you deserve what you are asking me for?” “Do you really believe that you are what you say you are?” And then you say, “Yes, I am your very son Esau.” “Mother” (your subconscious mind) teaches you how to lie to the facts. Start experiencing the life that God has designed for you! Receive your personal prophecy today by clicking here.

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