Fearless Faith

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Fearless Faith

Fearless Faith

The smartest thing we can do is to keep company with people who are more turned on to and tuned in with Him than we are. Those are kind of people who will help us to develop our faith. Choose our friends who believe in Him and know how to stand fast, even in the darkest of times. If we want to develop a fearless faith, seek out people who are full of faith and led by the Spirit, then stick with them. We have to help each other. Once we have developed strong faith our self, we will be in a place to help other people who are growing. But always be connected to someone who has stronger faith than us. We can grow by ourself if we have to, but when God brings people into our life to help us grow, hang on to them and learn all we can about the fearless we see in them. Our way of thinking, making decision and decision and expressing our self begins to line up with God’s word. Our changed soul is where walking by faith is played out. Our soul should come into agreement with our reborn spirit and allow Him to direct our steps every day. Before we were born again we were not even thinking about Him. Or how He would do things. We did not know and we did not care. Now that we were believers, things are different. We have God’s word in our hearts and we were growing in faith. Our soul has been changed and everything we do now, we should do in line with the Word. “ We are of those who believe and by faith preserve the soul.” ( Hebrews 10:39) Master Prophet believes that to live by faith, we have to give God His place in our life. God is not going to barge into our life and take over. God does not operate like the devil does. The devil is a liar and a thief. God comes into our life uninvited to kill and steal all he can from us. God will do everything He can to keep us from the life of faith. If you want to have a fearless faith, and know more about your personal prophecy, talk to Master Prophet.

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