Keep in mind that God is more interested in making our life Holy that He is in making our life happy because holiness has eternal value. His goal is to help us to learn how to become more like Christ, and we often can do that best by going through suffering and developing a stronger character in the process. Do not expect that we can avoid suffering, accept the fact that suffering will inevitably come into our life when ever He allows it. Instead of trying to avoid suffering ask Him to use it to accomplish good purposes in our life. Ask Him to help us view our hardship from the perspective of how it advances His purpose for us. When we ask God how we can best respond to the hardship we are facing, God will often reveal some of the good purpose that God wants us to fulfill as we go through the situation. Ask God how he wants to use our hardship to draw us closer to God and accomplish more of the mission God has given us for our life on earth. Prophet Manasseh believes that humble ourself before God and ask God to show ys which of these sources is behind the hardship we were going through right now. If we discern that we are suffering now because of our sins or mistake we were made in the past, keep in mind that he never allows hardship into our life simply to punish us, but only to correct and train us. Choose to repent of our sins and learn from our mistake so we can enjoy a better life. If you want to submit a prayer request, talk to Prophet Manasseh and he will answer all your request. “For he will hide me in his shelter in the day of trouble; he will conceal me under the cover of his tent; he will lift me high upon a rock.” (Psalm 27:5)
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