Fulfillment of Personal Prophecies

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Fulfillment of Personal Prophecies

Fulfillment of Personal Prophecies

Personal prophecies are very helpful for individuals who want to learn their prophetic destiny and the plans that God has for them. The incomplete nature of the prophecy prevents us from the presumption that God’s silence implies His approval. If we have kept in our lives problems, bondage, or sin, yet the prophecy speaks of positive things, we cannot conclude that God would condone the sin. On the other hand, some people make the mistake of thinking that their ministry is successful and that if there is no prophetic mention of their sins, then God is not be concerned with it. For prophecies to come to pass, proper participation and cooperation is required for those who receive the prophetic word. This means there is a premise to the prophecy. All personal prophecies are conditional, whether or not the conditions are made explicit. Prophecy can be canceled by disobedience of all the others. The realization of the promise can be withheld because of the lack of faith. Don’t lose faith and start fulfilling God’s prophetic destiny for your life. Speak to a prophet today and receive your free written prophecy. Find out your personal prophecy by clicking here.

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