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“And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus. But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me. And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?”

(Matthew 14:29-31)


When you speak ‘let there be’, you are unlocking your thoughts to manifest and demonstrate the power that is contained in the prophetic word. You have been ordained to walk on water. Your greatness is emerging!

Whatever mess the enemy has created, the Holy Spirit is cleaning it up. Like fine wine, we only get better with time. The Holy Spirit revealed that you are about to walk in financial freedom. A fresh wind is blowing in your direction. Your belief system about money is changing and the doors of opportunity are opening. What you thought could not happen, is happening for you!

The Holy Spirit is in the business of giving you the desires of your heart. How you see yourself will determine how hard you fight your giants. The enemy will try to convince you that what you are trying to accomplish is too difficult. When this happens, may the spirit of boldness overtake you. “Mustard seed” faith is all you need to get the job done.



Your faith is being challenged, but this will soon come to an end. Your faith is the fuel that gets everything going in the right direction. You are more than a conqueror. Declare that today is a very pivotal day for you in the Spirit realm. Your faith today is going to unlock a part of your destiny that is vital and the key to your financial breakthrough!

When the blessings are flowing from heaven, you will always have more than enough. You have proven that you can take a licking and keep things moving forward. Every time the enemy moved the ‘goal post’, you found a way to keep fighting. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. What the enemy designed to destroy you has only made us stronger and wiser.

“Without hope, strength and divine providence, we will lose the battle every single time adversity appears.”

Everything you put your mind to will turn to gold. The power of prophecy is unlocking and revealing your divine destinies. The Father is calling you forth; He is calling you to your next level of prosperity. A deposit was placed in you before the foundation of the world, hidden away from your enemy, in a place that only God can get to. Rest assured, God is moving you to your next stop.

God will always bring a prophet into your lives that will point you in the right direction. Obstacles will appear to slow you down, but you must keep moving towards the finish line. When the storms come to take you off course, just lean on your prophetic word. Greater days are upon you. Your obedience will prove to be better than sacrifice.

There is a wave of God’s Glory that is about to take over your house. The Holy Spirit has placed a word in the Prophet’s belly concerning your future and he needs to get this word to you. Your family is blessed to have someone like the Master Prophet whose shoulders they can stand on and get a glimpse of what tomorrow looks like. You have been dealt the master hand.

Your past does not disqualify you when it comes to the things of God for your lives.

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