Good Works Are Necessary
Are good works necessary in your Christian life?
As a Chrisitan, it is necessary for us because it goes hand in hand with having faith.
The Bible tells us that faith without works is dead. In James 2:21-24, the scripture uses Abraham as an example.
“Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect?”
– James 2:22
A man is justified by works, and not by faith only. For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.
It is the result of accepting Christ in our lives. When you accept Christ, you are letting him rule your heart. Your sins are washed away and your fears are cast out. God made us righteous by letting His only begotten Son die for us.
All followers of Christ should be like Him. The act of being a believer of Christ requires us to set a good example to unbelievers. The teachings of Jesus should be always seen in a Christian’s words and deeds.
The works of obedience, works of love, works of faith, and acts of common life are what sets us apart from unbelievers. By the works of obedience, it is simply obeying the will of the Lord. Works of love are best seen in our love for God and for our fellow men. Works of faith refer to our being dependent on God. Without this faith, our lives will be useless. Lastly, by the works of common life, we are pertaining to our daily activities. What we do should always be in accordance to His glory. Ask yourselves: “Is what you are doing right now pleasing to God?” “Is it something that will make God smile?”
It’s time to bear your fruits by doing what’s right.