Have Faith in the Prophet

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Have Faith in the Prophet

Have Faith in the Prophet

Personal prophecies reveal a person’s purpose and destiny that was carefully created and designed by God. This is declared by His prophet who carries on God’s message unto the believer. Imagine how many times prophets receive a word from God, which seems utterly impossible or highly unlikely to come true, given the present circumstances. However, as Hebrews 11 declared, faith is seeing beyond what is seen. It is having hope that God can work through the present circumstance, even if it seems impossible. The prophet needs to trust God’s Word. In order to declare God’s message, the prophet needs to be the first one to believe in it. It will be difficult for the prophet to proclaim something he does not believe in. It is a heart issue and people will know if the prophet is in faith. At the same time, the prophet needs your faith that he can also relay God’s message to you. Without faith, you will not receive the prophetic destiny that was beautifully created. Trust in the prophet and get your written prophecy. CLICK HERE!

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