How Online Personal Prophecy Can Bring You Closer?

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How Online Personal Prophecy Can Bring You Closer?

How Online Personal Prophecy Can Bring You Closer?

Your online Personal Prophecy Can bring you closer in your marriage. Your online Personal Prophecy can bring you closer in your relationships, even your relationships with God. Today, I want to share with you how your online personal Prophecy can bring you closer in your intimate relationship such as your marriage. When you are faced with stress in your marriage it might seem you have no one to turn to. It can even be embarrassing as you do not want people to think your marriage is failing. Marriage begins with a honeymoon but then is meant to be a partnership between two people who love each other deeply and who have made a commitment to each other before God. Because you have committed to each other before God, do not overlook him as the perfect resource to provide counsel. You can use prayer to help bring you closer to your spouse even when you are going through tough times. Meditation and Light Prayer can provide an excellent source of meditation. God’s love is ever present when we pray and although we should not be looking for “favors” from God, we should always be asking for guidance. If you pray for your spouse you will feel God’s love for them. A good way to pray for your spouse is not to pray for them to be kinder, or more patient but instead to ask God to help you to be kinder and more patient. Focus on presenting your struggles to God as if he were right there in front of you and picture what the God you love so much would do. You know that he would embrace your spouse and show him his love. This is your sign to do the same. Be Thankful Express your thanks for God sending your spouse into your life. The love you share with your spouse is a gift with God and that is why you present your love before God during your wedding vows and receive his blessing to share your lives together. Your vows are your promise to God to love each other and being thankful is always important so you can remember why you love your spouse. An Online Personal Prophecy can help you understand why you are together and guide you in your prayers and your relationship. Remain Open When you pray for your spouse, pray for God to bless them and show them his love. This will open your spouse’s heart and remind them that God loves him and loves you. Together you can then face your problems in faith.

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