How to Fulfill Your Personal Prophecy?

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How to Fulfill Your Personal Prophecy?

How to Fulfill Your Personal Prophecy?

Here are some scriptures you can read and start to understand how You can Fulfill Your Personal Prophecy.

 The bible says Believe His Prophets and you shall prosper. 2 Chron.20:20

God gave the church a gift  of Prophets. Eph. 4:11

Hannah received a word from Eli  a child Samuel. 1 Sam. 1:12:17

Angels ate at Abraham’s house-within a year Isaac was born. Gen.18:l-15

Give Yourself the Gift of Your Personal Prophecy

Opening up your resources to the Prophet will cause your prophecy to be fulfilled

Samson was born because his parents were diligent to obey the instructions of the Angel of the Lord.Judges 13:l-24

As we meditate upon the prophecy we have received and yield to the dealings of the Lord in our lives, the prophecies will be fulfilled.

Gabriel prophesied to Mary that she was going to have a son ..Luke 1:24-38 She had the right attitude..”Let it be done according to your word..v38

Jesus prophesied to the fig tree, “Let no one eat fruit from you ever again.” The next day they noticed the tree was withered.Mk 11;12-24.

If we quit looking at the external and depend on the anointing, we shall see results. Don’t focus on the Mountain, but activate the God-given faith in you

How to receive Your Personal Prophecy?

When you receive a Personal Prophecy. Don’t believe the impossible but believe the possible.. Mk.10:27

When you walk with the Lord, your prophecy ill come to pass. Jesus said to Nathaniel, ‘You shall see heaven open, and the angels descending upon the son of Man ” ..John 1:51.

Peter received a personal prophecy from Jesus, that he would not die until he was old. John 21:18 Acts 123-18.

Fight a good warfare with your personal prophecy.

Obedience is a must ..James 1:22

Sacrifice to the Lord..Lk 1:l-7; Peter had a financial need but he gave his boat to the Lord … he was blessed with a lot of fish.

Don’t despise Prophecies..l Thess. 5:20-21

Believing in prophecy would cause the blessings (signs of prophecy) to follow you .. Mk 16;:17

Renew your mind. Rom 12:l-2

Faith..Heb. 11:6. Rom 10:17

Rest in the Lord. Psa. 37:7-11

Only share the prophecy with those who believe in the Prophetic.

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