How to speak with God

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How to speak with God

Knowledge is Power

Did you know you can speak to God? Wouldn’t you like to know how? Would you like to know the keys to getting answers to the important things in your life? Wouldn’t it help you to have answers today? Well you should know that God is speaking to you right now through your personal prophecy that is awaiting you. That is just the one of the keys to your communication with God.

Now that you have your personal prophecy you want to seek more wise counsel and guidance to reaching God’s ear. Why not use his heavenly messengers? There is no harm in seeking your angels for guidance, because they only operate for the highest good. By writing your dreams, goals, and aspirations on paper you are at the beginning stages of working with your angels.. The Process of Angel Writing Write the following declaration 10 times… “ANGELS OF PROSPERITY, COME TO ME RIGHT NOW!”

The written word is said to have a special power of its own. Declaring your wishes on paper and addressing your letter to the angels is a good way of clarifying your goals and desires. To make a special request to the angels, take a piece of paper and address it to your personal highest angel and the highest angels of the others your request involves. In your request, be specific and define your request as clearly as you can. Always add the phrase, “for the highest good of all concerned” to your note. Then express your gratitude. Thank the angels as if the request has already been granted. Also, thank God and all of those who have something to do with the request. As you exercise your faith and write to your angels, you will begin to see your situations change right before your eyes. As you begin to write the vision and make it plain, you will gain clarity in the power of writing to your angels and how it works with the power of your personal prophecy.

Writing is the first step toward manifestation. When we write, we pull what we desire to manifest from the Spirit into the earth realm for people to see and experience. Writing is a very powerful tool that God has given us. As we visualize what we desire and write it down, we hasten the manifestation thereof. When we write, we increase the manifestation time five times. Writing hastens the process and solidifies your desire in the earth realm.

All things will be so when the mind is ready

There are so many accounts in the There are so many accounts in the bible were we see the prophet reveal knowledge and a solution. The woman’s sons were about to be sold off into slavery because they lacked knowledge of what was in their house, and they lacked the prophetic word that would tell them what to do with what was in their house. You are destroyed for the lack of knowledge. As long as you lack knowledge, you will not receive the goods that are ordained for you. This tells us why our personal prophecy becomes so vital to our lives.

“Then he said, Go, borrow thee vessels abroad of all thy neighbors, even empty vessels; borrow not a few. And when thou art come in, thou shall shut the door upon thee and upon thy sons, and shalt pour out into all of those vessels, and thou shalt set aside that which is full. (2 Kings 4:3-4)

Miracles can only be worked behind the scenes. However, miracles will not begin to happen until you learn how to close the door. Start doing in secret so that God can bring your reward out in the open. When Jesus told His disciples to let down their nets, they had to get other people to help bring the miracle in. Jesus did not multiply the fishes and loaves. He needed someone else in the network so He took the little boy’s lunch; another one participating in the miracle. Show me a miracle in Scripture and I will show you a hidden hand from a human level that had to be involved. God does not perform miracles without human intervention. God hides himself in a human element in order to bring forth the miracle that is created for your experience. Now is your time to let the Prophet take part in your miracle with your personal prophecy.

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