Integrity: Where Leadership Begins

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Integrity: Where Leadership Begins

Integrity: Where Leadership Begins

A leader without integrity is not worth following. If a leader does not value their integrity, people will continuously doubt their capability to lead. People will not trust them and will always think that they have a bad or hidden agenda behind their every decision.

A leader must know how to honor their word. When a leader honors their word, they create whole and complete social and working relationships. People know that they can be trusted. They do not have to worry about the promises that were given to them. They know that it is going to happen.

A leader must know how to live and value their integrity at the same time. It must be present in their lives. They do not need to tell the people, they only need to show it. If there is a conflict between integrity and living, never compromise integrity. When a leader compromises their integrity, they give up their value of life.

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