It Doesn’t Matter What It Looks Like, You Are Coming Out Victorious

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It Doesn’t Matter What It Looks Like, You Are Coming Out Victorious

It Doesn’t Matter What It Looks Like, You Are Coming Out Victorious

“And he said, “Listen, all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem and King Jehoshaphat: thus says the LORD to you, ‘Do not fear or be dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours but God’s.”
(2 Chronicles 20:15)

 NEW FAITH, NEW POWER! Whatever did not work in a season past, is going to work now! Put God to the test. Time is of the essence concerning what God has for you!

Too many opportunities have slipped through your fingers. The Holy Spirit revealed that you have spent precious time in the Father’s presence, but the enemy has tried to convince you that you have been wasting your time. Here is a truth I know you will appreciate.  High achievers and overcomers understand that some resistance is necessary to function at a higher level!

When the gossipers and haters and complainers show up in your life, cut them off! The Holy Spirit is heightening your ability to see into the spiritual realm. Many distractions will come your way. The adversary will think that he has tuned into your channel by producing negative images. In this season, the Holy Spirit is going to stir up the gifts within you and tap into your creative imagination. You are coming out of the cave and into the Potter’s House with NEW FAITH and NEW POWER!

Jesus conquered it all so that you can have a right to enjoy the abundant life. The Bible is full of heroes and “sheroes” who faced great opposition and had to contend with conditions that were not favorable. To overcome their obstacles, they relied on the help of the Holy Spirit.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7)
As a result of your faith, a new and stronger you is emerging with full power.
  • You will be the lender and not borrower. God says, “LACK IS VANISHING!”
  • Where much is given, more will be required of you in this season!
  • You have been moved to the front of the line. God says, “Take your rightful position!”
  • Your harvest is manifesting right this very moment.
  • God will close the mouth of your enemies.
  • Your struggles are proof that God is not finished with you.
  • When it looks like it is over, God will show up and show out.
  • You are going from the pit to the palace.

Read a portion of the Father’s word for your life…

Then you will prosper, if you are careful to observe the statutes and the ordinances which the LORD commanded Moses concerning Israel Be strong and courageous, do not fear nor be dismayed.”  (1 Chronicles 22:13) 

There is so much more God wants to share with you! Yes, it is true that positive affirmations contain the impetus to keep us motivated, but an affirmation without the POWER of the Holy Spirit is of no effect. True greatness blossoms when zeal and wisdom team up for the sake of the Kingdom. This is the hour that you will shine and no enemy can stop you now! Shout with me, “NEW FAITH, NEW POWER!”

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