Know God’s Plans Through Your Prophecy
Timing is essential to God’s purpose. It is vital for every believer to understand the move of God. If you fail to understand God’s move in your life, then you will continually operate as a baby, needing to be bottle fed. Jesus came and finished the work, and He was able to say at the end of His journey, “It is finished.” (John 19:30) And God was able to say, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” (Matt. 3:17) Many people who profess to be mature in God have to be bottle fed. However, God is saying, come off the bottle. It is time for the meat of the word. You cannot live and be sustained by drinking milk only. You need a balanced diet. How do you get one? By receiving your personal prophecy. The prophet will teach you how to get a balanced diet in your life. God’s desire is for His people to have a balanced diet. They must begin to eat the meat of God’s Word. However, the meat is going to force you to chew. It will cause you to seek God for yourself and ask, “Lord, what will you have for me to do?” Your desire must be to fulfill the plan of God for your life in the land of the living. Jesus said in Luke 2:49, “I must be about my Father’s business.” Let the prophet help you in fulfilling God’s plans for you. Click here and let the Word of God work in your life. Receive your free prophecy today.
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