Living an Experience with a Prophetic Word

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Living an Experience with a Prophetic Word

Living an Experience with a Prophetic Word

A master encounters life as it is lived, rather than as it is described to him. It is not because the master is not capable of understanding theories or of having beliefs, rather, the master is the one in control of the theories, beliefs, knowledge, and memories, so that they do not serve as a filter. Instead, they serve as illumination for what has been encountered. Philosophers call this method “Bracketing”. With a prophetic word, you can master your life.

With a prophetic word, you will see for yourself the power of encountering life as it is lived. You will realize your perspective. Let’s do an experiment. What’s the object beside you right now, to your right? As you think about your boss, let me ask you to point to where your experience of seeing the object to your right is actually happening. Don’t go “into your head” to figure out the answer. Instead, experience seeing the object beside you. Don’t do anything else but experience it. Be aware of how you’re experiencing it, before your mind pulls you in and you get stuck in what you believe about that object. Identify the location, where you are experiencing the sight of the object, is actually happening. Let me suggest that you put aside what you think you already know about seeing this object, and just be with your experience of seeing the object. Is the location of this experience “there”? Do you know that until you get in touch with the actual experience for yourself, everything will just be another theory. However, there is no theory or any filter used when you get in touch with the actual experience for yourself. Let me ask you again, where did you think this actual experience happened?

According to Echeverria, Erhard, W.,Granger, Jensen, and Zaffron (2013), about 3500 people in their experiences answered that the experience is located “out there”, where their experience of seeing the object is actually happening for them. When we see the world and others, even when it’s actually happening for us, you consider this experience to be happening “out there”, and not where you call “in-here”, where you are located (Echeverria et al., 2013). When we see the world and others, even when it’s actually happening for us, you consider this experience to be happening “out there”, and not where you call “in-here”, where you are located.

What now

1. How about you? Where does the experience of seeing an object occur to you?

2. Why do you think that you see yourself to be “in-here”, while everything else is “out-there”?

3. What do you think does this experiment on experience have to do with mastering experiences?

Act now! Watch your future come alive now! God is transforming you completely. This will make you confident, full of belief and satisfied about the outcome to your situation. I know you will wonder what the Master Prophet has to say concerning your life. Let today be your day to receive your personal prophecy. Just imagine being stuck in a situation completely opposite of where God would have you to be if you only knew. You can know where you belong when you trust the prophet of God. Imagine how uncomplicated life is when you know your future. Now imagine the kind of life you can live without the unnecessary complications in your life right now.  Go ahead and fill up the form of this page to receive your free prophecy today and experience how the Power of Prophecy can your change your life. 

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