Lying by Omission

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Lying by Omission

Lying by Omission

Another way one can indirectly bear false witness is by omission. What is omission? Omission is defined as a failure to act on something, especially something that one has a moral or legal obligation to do. The Bible is clear on its stance against omission. In James 4:17, it is written: “So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.” The passage explains how a failure to correct a wrong that one is aware of is already a sin. Omission in the case of deceit violates the 9th commandment in particular. When a person is aware that another has been misled or believes in something that is a lie, yet fails to communicate the truth, this person is allowing for deception to prevail. This person is committing sin by omitting to declare the truth. As discussed in the earlier part of this book, one who turns away from the truth turns away from God, and one who allows for deception is adhering to Satan’s wicked and dishonest ways. Unfortunately, many people do not understand how grave the sin of omission is. They do not understand how omitting to tell the truth is an insult to God, the Lord of truth, and a rejection of one’s Christian responsibility.

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