Manifest Your Desires Through Dreams

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Manifest Your Desires Through Dreams

Manifest Your Desires Through Dreams

Dreams reveal the harvest you are about to experience. Your reward will reflect who you are. Are you a just person? You will get just rewards. So if you are in the process of developing a business in which one person is not being treated fairly, your dreams will reveal to you the misfortune that is about to befall that business because of the ill deed being done to that individual. Have you been dreaming recently? Let your personal prophecy help you understand it further. If you listen, you will have the opportunity to change your course and stave off problems. In the same way, if you are dealing honorably with people, your dreams will be like a treasure map dropping clues to some great good fortune that awaits you as a reward. So how does all this occur? This is the part that demands discipline and a mind skilled at controlling negative thought and emotion. You see, God’s economy does not respond to intention or to prayer. It responds to your state of being. To manifest the blessings you want in your life, you must know that you already are those things and you must state that reality to the universe. Click here now and speak to a prophet about your dreams and let him reveal God’s plans for your life.

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