Tell The Enemy… “You Can’t Manipulate My Prophecy!”

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Tell The Enemy… “You Can’t Manipulate My Prophecy!”

Tell The Enemy… “You Can’t Manipulate My Prophecy!”

I started writing this as soon as I exited my prayer room. The Holy Spirit showed me what is instill in the people of God life. I started seeing these words hanging over, “IT’S TIME TO ARISE!” I asked the Holy Spirit, “What is the meaning of this ?” More importantly, why was it being shown to me as I was leaving my prayer room? My friend, every smile is not a smile of acceptance.  The People of God, have to know not to let others manipulate the prophecy given in there life. As your personal prophet, I am here to make you aware of the difference. No matter what you see in your natural, it is time to “LET GOD ARISE!”

The Holy Spirit is blocking anyone who tries to get close to you in this season for the wrong reason. The Holy Spirit is putting a lid on the barrel of crabs. Anyone that is speaking bad luck against you or words of jealousy or envy, I hear the Holy Spirit saying, “They will eat their own words.” The Holy Spirit is also moving you away from people who think they can talk you out of your blessings by manipulating your prophetic word.  

Before God sent you to the earth realm, he made a covenant with you. Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.” (Deuteronomy 31:6) The fulfilment of life is waiting on you to decide what matters most to you. I am writing this hoping that this prophetic personal blog will trigger your creative genius, which is full of spiritual blessings.     

God has a much bigger plan for your life and it does not consist of stress, anxiety and worry. I want to encourage you to use your weapon of praise every time depression tries to attack you. Instead of jumping out of the bed, pacing the floor and worrying, follow the voice of God. I hear the Spirit saying, “Uncommon favor is yours. Your relationship with God is shutting every door that the enemy is trying to come through.” In order to create the life you desire, your imagination must be clear of the pain of your past. Your best life is waiting on you to wake up.

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