The Mood of Steadfast Trust

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The Mood of Steadfast Trust

The Mood of Steadfast Trust

God never deceive people into trusting Him. He never downplays or hides the sacrifices we have to make for Him to lead us into breakthroughs. There is a cost to following Christ. There is a cost to being a believer. The Lord never withheld this knowledge.

God will enlist no recruits on false pretenses. All ties of country, kindred, and father’s house have to be loosened, and, if need be, to be cut, for His command is to be supreme, and clinging hands that would hold back the pilgrim have to be disengaged. If a man realizes God’s hold on him, he feels all others relaxed. This realization creates the mood of steadfast trust.

Place yourself in Abram’s shoes. When God called him, he could see what he had to leave. He had no way of seeing what he could win. Yet, he trusted God. He was fiercely loyal to the Lord and he knew he could stake his life on God’s promises.

The mood of steadfast trust is not about relying on the familiar. Most of the time, steadfast trust requires you to believe in the face of the unfamiliar. God will call you to take a step out of your courage zone, outside what is familiar and certain. Yet, you choose to obey it with a firm certainty that it is the best choice.

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