Are You Having A Net-breaking or Neck-breaking Experience?

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Are You Having A Net-breaking or Neck-breaking Experience?

Are You Having A Net-breaking or Neck-breaking Experience?

It seems like for the past 60 days, you’ve been having a “neck-breaking” experience over a net-breaking experience mainly because


  • You’ve been “breaking your neck” to hold your peace!
  • You’ve been “breaking your neck” to make ends meet!
  • You’ve even been “breaking your neck” to make everybody else happy!


Wait there’s more!


Have you been toiling all night and caught nothing? For example,


  • Have you prayed to God and still received no results?
  • Do you feel like you’ve tried everything to get a miracle?
  • Are you ready for an authentic move of God that will bring you relief?


There is also a critical situation that’s attempting to take a major toll on your health! The enemy has been trying to launch a sneak attack against your physical body! As your personal prophet, I bind the enemy right now, in the name of Jesus!




The Lord began to highlight 5 MIRACLE KEYS TO A NET-BREAKING EXPERIENCE, and you’re going to witness the miraculous in the most unexpected and unusual way! 


This is a very powerful moment you are in! Please don’t allow “little faith” to convince you that your circumstances will remain the same! 


Your BIG MIRACLE is on its way when you use the 5 MIRACLE KEYS TO A NET-BREAKING EXPERIENCE in your life today! Give God praise! Are you ready?


The Lord says your “neck-breaking” experiences are about to cease because the right keys will finally be in your hands to unlock the right doors to miracles! God also says that this is an enormous season for your enormous potential to come forth. However, it is going to require you to quit “breaking your neck” for people, places and things that will only cause you to toil all night and catch nothing in return! Make no mistake,




Begin to rejoice in the Lord because your situation is about to transform due to the 5 MIRACLE KEYS TO A NET BREAKING EXPERIENCE below:



Trust the Lord at His word, at all times! Proverbs 14:20 states that there is a way that seems right unto a man, but in the end, these are the ways of death. Whatever lacks life in your experience (finances, health, relationships, etc.) is only a result of you putting your trust in what you believe seems right!



Leave your natural net and cast the supernatural one God tells you! Matthew 4:20 tells us how the disciples left their nets and followed Jesus! Too many of us are busy trying to map out our own recovery based on what we see in the natural when God is asking us to tap into the supernatural through His instructions. Remember, Simon Peter was a fisherman who knew the oceans, but he trusted in the Lord when God commanded him to cast his net into the sea!



Toss everything that’s negative overboard! When anger, fear, anxiety, distrust, procrastination, and grief take over, you negate the space for a NET-BREAKING EXPERIENCE to manifest! Trusting God is obeying His word and doing what He has asked of you with a cheerful heart! Hallelujah!



Make your (faith) move! Because talk is cheap! You can sing all the praises you want and declare all the affirmations you desire. However, where there is no seed, there can be no harvest! 


There is no blessing in the waters of shallow faith. You must launch out into the deep. Thank You, Jesus!



Cast your net on the RIGHT side! In John chapter 21, we find Jesus asking His disciples was there any meat to eat after their fishing trip and when they replied there was nothing caught, Jesus told them to cast their net on the right side of the ship because that’s where the multitude of fish was. Jesus had to change the way His disciples were doing things! Sometimes, you’ve got to change the way you do things in order to reap the miracle!

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