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Obedience is not a popular word today. For generations, we have been taught by secular teachers to avoid such words. One result has been a lack of discipline in our homes and schools which is an important factor in the progressive decline of our students in every objective test of performance. Scripture, however, makes it very clear that obedience is a necessary and crucially important part of our life as Christians. What is our motive for this obedience, or submission? The key to obedience is submission to God. What matters is not external adherence to specific rules, but a heart that is submitted to God. If our heart is submitted to God, then we will obey his specific requirements. But it is the heart attitude that is crucial. “Obedience” would be a more challenging word. We obey because we fear someone who is more powerful than we are. This does enter into our obedience. Scripture tells us to fear the Lord, and, indeed, He is a God of awesome power. He is capable of great wrath. “It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” At a minimum, we obey Him to avoid His wrath and punishment. But there are better motives for obedience.

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