Open Your Mind

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Open Your Mind

Open Your Mind

Open your mind to what God is doing for you. Open your mind what the prophet of God has for you. Open your mind to your personal prophecy. Open your mind to the prophetic word for your life. Open your mind to read the plan of God for your life. Open your mind today for a free written word of prophecy. When you sleep or dream, sometimes God uses that to tell you something. It could be a plan, a purpose, a design, and you have to be open to those messages in your dreams. When you experience prophecy, you will be able to identify God and His messages easier because your mind is now connected to Him and the prophet. Obedience is important because God intervenes in your mind, not in events. You make events happen; God does not. God intervenes in your dreams, visions and thoughts to create change. When you find strength, resolve, courage, or insight that you did not know you had, that is God’s intervention. In the dreams of night, God opens the ears of men. Because your ego is not in the way, your reason is not battling with God’s Word, but you are open to it. You must then interpret it with your waking mind and take the appropriate action. God is sealing instructions to you while you sleep. Receive your personal prophecy today and start understanding your dreams. Click here and ask the prophet to give you your prophetic reading.

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