Our Pre-Prophetic Assignment is Our Purpose
Yes, we all have our pre-prophetic assignment? Our pre-prophetic assignment is our purpose. We came to the earth forgetting our pre-prophetic birth assignment, and as a result, many people are continually questioning their purpose on earth. Why am I here? What is my purpose? God has a purpose for you on this earth and it is up to you to find out what that purpose entails. Before we were born we were in God. We knew God and we were a part of God. We were one with Him. God sanctified and ordained us as prophets. God had an ordination service for us even before we came to this planet. Your assignment didn’t start when you reached adulthood; it started while you were with the Father. You were assigned by God to fulfill a specific function here on earth. Before we came to earth, God put certain skills inside of us. Now, we must fulfill our function in the earth. We have to get our memory back. Do you often ask yourself these questions? “Why am I here? What is my purpose? What is my assignment?” If you would like to discover the prophetic destiny that God has designed just for you, click here and speak to a prophet today. Receive your very own personal prophecy and start fulfilling your assignment!
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