The Power of Prophetic Utterance

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The Power of Prophetic Utterance

The Power of Prophetic Utterance

Speaking is not just an act. It defines you. When you speak, you do not just deliver a statement, it is more than that. You are actually delivering a message, impacted by your words, and described by your actions. When you say something, you commit, you have set out an expectation, you have set what the future is and you gave yourself the responsibility to act as you have said. Speaking is about doing something. Words are a form of action and speaking is action itself. This is what prophetic utterance is all about.

Despise not prophesyings. – 1 Thessalonians 5:20 KJV

Prophecy states that the way you speak is as important as the message that you want to relay. As there are specific actions backing up what you say, everything that comes out of your mouth has a direct influence to the world. Said differently, what you relay can cause a different reaction from the world. Your personal prophecy will help you realize and actualize the prophetic words and how you can portray meaning to your statements effectively to create the positive actions out of it. Doing so is action itself. Communication brings about a lot of changes to the world everyday.

It is important to know your prophetic utterance. This creates the reality of who you are, where you came from and where you are going. If you understand your personal prophecy, you live knowing that your words are your actions. Everything you say could either create stop action.

Another thing about speech is its ability to influence people. You can never accomplish your goals without the right form of speech used to convey what you mean. If your goals are not accomplished, you do not achieve what is important for you. That said, your prophetic utterance creates your future, your speech creates your possibilities, your speech influences people and your speech creates you.

Welcome the free prophecy in your life and let language create the life that God has planned for you. Let your personal prophecy guide you towards becoming mindful of the feelings and attitudes that you express. Remember, there are different statements to the expression of feelings and attitudes. They are definitive statements, made with the backing of authority, which have the immediate effect of bringing about a different reality. As often as they are overlooked, your statement is a powerful way that you use language in your daily life and it is a way you create your reality.

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