Praise and Worship

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Praise and Worship

Praise and Worship

Praise and worship is part of every Sabbath activity. In most congregations, praise and worship is the first part of the program during Sabbath. This is because the focus of Sabbath shouldn’t be on the rest of man, but on the dedication of rest to God. What does this mean?

Although Sabbath is meant to rest, that is actually the rest of man from the world and his time dedicated to be spent with God. So the focus of Sabbath is actually God. That is why the very first thing that needs to happen is to thank God and exalt Him for the whole week that had passed and glorify Him for the blessings He had given.

When you give God praise and sing Him songs of worship, you are actually declaring publicly your faith. You do this because you are not ashamed of declaring the goodness of God in your life. Sabbath is the opportunity for Christians to make their declarations of faith. Remember when King David danced on the streets like a mad man when the Ark of the Covenant arrived in Jerusalem? He cannot contain his happiness and so he publicly declared his faith and in God. The bible said: “He was dancing for the Lord with all his might, but he wore only a linen cloth. He and everyone else were celebrating by shouting and blowing horns while the chest was being carried along.”

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