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“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”(Romans 12:2) We all want to serve God. It is hard sometimes when our life, especially our thoughts life is not consistent. We cannot watch TV, drives to work tomorrow or sit through lunch with co makers without being bombarded with messages that contradict or ridicule our faith. Our mind can be taken hostage by those thoughts. God has given us a means of purifying our minds and changing our hearts. God has given us the Bible. It is effect in our life is increased when we memorize it. Master Prophets that when we care enough about knowing God’s word to memorize it, it  becomes a part of our thoughts We find our self suddenly remembering it throughout the day, if  we awaken at night full of anger or fear, we can choose to mentally reviews verses in God’s  word that deal with those emotion. The Lord exemplified that consistency in His life, we cannot  claim to live exactly as the sinless, incarnate God did, but we can value what God valued. Pick  up any of the Gospel and begin reading about Jesus. Memorization begins with familiarization.  Read the verse aloud several times. This involves our mind in three ways, speaking, hearing and  seeing. If u want to know more about God’s word and his purpose you. Talk to a Prophet and get  a free prophecy now.

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