Sacrifices Must be Made

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Sacrifices Must be Made

Sacrifices Must be Made

“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” -John 15:13

What is the extent that you would go for somebody else? There are a lot of circumstances which require our sacrifice for other people.

A good example would be our families. Each member is divinely appointed and given the divine role to take care of each other and help each other learn and grow. Especially the parents. They have to be the most selfless of all, giving their life for their children to grow up well. Not all circumstances are ideal, but that is not anybody’s fault.

God’s design was for the family to be the strength and the main unit of the world He created. We are also part of His family and we are here on earth so that He can help us learn and love one another.

God went as far as to give up His only begotten Son for us to come back to Him.  What is even a bigger blessing is that our brother Jesus Christ Himself offered to lay down His life for us. It is this selfless act and character of His that makes Him the most worthy to save us all.

No other sacrifice can be greater, we cannot top that.

What we can do is to emulate this Christlike attribute in our everyday lives. Make sacrifices for the people closest to us and even for strangers. We are all brothers and sisters in the Kingdom of Heaven.

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