Mankind has consistently resisted and disobeyed God’s Law. You have believed Satan’s lies and rebelled against loving God with all that we are. Being holy and just, God will not tolerate our sin. God holds every person responsible for each thought, word, and action. When you do what is wrong. Our efforts to make amends for the wrong we have done cannot reverse the just judgment of God. Even those who are religious, morally upright, and do good works can not fulfill God’s requirement of perfect righteousness. “That’s the way it will be at the end of the present age. The angels will go out and separate the evil people from the righteous people, and will throw the evil ones into a burning furnace. People there will be weeping and grinding their teeth.” (Matthew 13:49-50) God designed the human race to know HIM and bring glory to HIM. You failed to fulfill this great purpose and instead becomes slaves to sin, but He orchestrated a plan for your redemption. God provide a Savior who can lead you to freedom from sin ans restore your relationship with HIM. Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan believes that God sent His Son, Christ, into the world to fulfill His mission. Christ lived a perfect, sinless life in complete obedience to the Lord. Christ willingly took upon Himself the fury of His Father’s wrath against our sin, Christ suffered and died in your place. When you believe on Jesus Christ, accepting God’s gift of salvation, we are justified declared free of the guilt and penalty of sin before God because of what Christ has done. God forgives us of all of our sins. Our relationship with God is restored, we become His child. We are redeemed from the bondage to sin and will spend eternity in heaven with God.
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