Did You Know September Spells Harvest Time For You?
There are going to be nine extraordinarily significant actions you must take during this harvest month of September Spells Harvest because it will SPELL a HARVEST of PLENTY for you!
S- Speak the word of faith daily in the face of obstacles!
E- Enter His gates with thanksgiving whenever the complaint arrives!
P- Pray witshout ceasing!
T- Trust in the Lord even when things appear shaky!
E- Exalt His name before all names!
M-Magnify the Lord in your thoughts and actions at all times!
B- Believe the prophet and the promises of God!
E- Expect to receive your harvest of plenty!
R- Rest in His assurance of victory because the battle is not yours!
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the good-spell for your life because God’s word boldly declares:
“I will give you rain in due season, and the land shall yield her increase, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit.” (Leviticus 26:4)
The Lord says, this September spells HARVEST TIME FOR YOU, because the trees of the field (which are the thoughts in your mind) shall yield forth incredible fruit! Hallelujah! Thank You, Jesus!
There shall be multiple uncommon IDEAS that will release multiple uncommon BLESSINGS! In fact, because of your faith, something extraordinary is going to be revealed to you over the next 30 days that is going to cause explosive growth to arrive in your social circle!
There were times in your life when you did not think that God was always fair. As a matter of fact, you became very disappointed with the conditions in which you were living. Life sometimes presented you with a difficult road to travel and you encountered much heartache and hurt along your journey, yet God would say,
“You are walking into a PLENTIFUL harvest that shall be known as great within the land. All of the heartache, disappointment, and loss you had to deal with in the past are over. Those who would laugh at you and make fun of you will now have to stand at attention and give you the respect you deserve at home and in the workplace because of My glory that I am walking you into!”
The Lord says that as you move in faith, a newfound hope and confidence is going to fall upon you that is going to open up significant doors! This is going to cause everyone around you to take notice of what God is doing in your life. The Holy Ghost says, “Because you were faithful over little, I will make you ruler over much!” Lift your hands wherever you are and tell God, “Thank you!”
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