Showing Appreciation

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Showing Appreciation

Showing Appreciation

One simple way to show appreciation is through prayer. In the busy world we live in today, it can be tempting to set aside prayer, or to limit one’s allotted time dedicated to prayer. However, neglecting to talk to God would be an act of ingratitude. One who is eternally grateful for the Bread and Wine constantly prays and strengthens their relationship with God.

Another way to show gratitude is through actions. When a person is thankful, they go out of their way to “pay it forward”. They share their wealth and multiply it a thousand times through acts of selflessness, mercy, and charity. There are few things more pleasing to God than a faithful follower who not only shows gratitude through words, but through actions as well.

The Bread and Wine is a priceless gift from God. If you are truly grateful for this, take initiative towards showing this through your words and actions. Dedicate your time, as well as your thoughts to God.

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