Someone has had a significant connection over you
Last year has been a roller coaster ride for some of us but it certainly taught us new lessons. There were numerous things you’ve encountered in your life that made you cheer and numerous things you’ve suffered in your life that made you sob. However and still, My effortlessness has been adequate for you due to My pledge with thee which is My statement. In 2020, you will start to observe My correct hand of the rise in your life even in the territories that appear to be unrealistic! Rest in My favored affirmation that you and your family will be alright!”
I can see those moments where you seek God’s advice about your worries of everyday life since you’ve felt like you have done what’s necessary to be further ahead. Does this make sense to you? In any case, I hear the holy voice of the Lord saying, you must keep a positive outlook in life and you will see the goodness will unfold each day. That is the point at which the Lord started to uncover a few things on his perfect time.
To know who can mend the broken heart when nobody is there to console you. To perceive who continues to be pure and concerned when your soul is sapped and is longing to be repaired.
To recognize the truthful soul that will never leave you in times of despair. God says you will be okay!
I see a particular person that has had a forceful attraction over you! (This isn’t a relative)
As I go further, I see you writing in a unique book your goals, dreams, desires and even secrets that you shared with the holy spirit.
I likewise observe a critical assault that the adversary needs to dispatch against your family’s employment that God will anticipate, all in view of your reliability on today! After today, you will know you will be completely fine.
The Bible says, “Presently the God of expectation fill you with all happiness and harmony in accepting, that ye may possess large amounts of expectation, through the intensity of the Holy Ghost.” (Romans 15:13)
In 2019, the adversary was dead set on breaking your expectations. Be that as it may, in 2020, your life will overflow with happiness and harmony due to your acknowledgment of your prophetic covering, which is the expression of God working in your life!
At the point when we look in the Scriptures, we see that God made a contract with Noah, guaranteeing Noah that He could never again obliterate the world by a flood (Gen. 9). Noah was picked by God to be given the directions that would safeguard his life and the life of his family!
The flood may seem, by all accounts, to become in your life, anyway God is setting you in a position of safeguarding. If your ears are available to hear and regard His Divine guidance! In 2020, you need to start to perceive the covering in every single understanding of your life!
There is a blessing coming for you! There is reclamation for you! There is even physical and emotional healing for you! Do you trust the holy spirit?