Stop Living in Fear

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Stop Living in Fear

Stop Living in Fear

One of the things that we struggle with sometimes is insecurity. Insecurity comes out when we are not confident about something or we become uncertain about our capabilities and ourselves. We are always on the edge when it comes to what we can do to contribute to society. Sometimes, we are afraid to make decision because we let fear take control of our lives. This results to consequences that we often cannot escape. But the truth is, you don’t have to live in fear. You have to remember that you were here from the very beginning of time. God created you and design you for a reason. Knowing this, your foundation should be based on your faith in Him. Once you have put all of your faith in God, faith then becomes your foundation of self-acceptance. Personal prophecies reveal these things to you. On why you were created the way you were. It will relinquish your insecurities and build up your confidence in yourself and in God. You will realize that you are important in this world. That there is no need to live in fear. You are a gift to this world. Accept that and own that truth. Once you have accepted that, your insecurities will slowly fade away. Receive your free written prophecy and allow the prophet to reveal wonderful things about you. Once you understand that you were created for God’s purpose, the transformation process begins. Speak to a prophet and let him give you his prophetic insight of your life.

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