The Days of Frustration Are Over!

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The Days of Frustration Are Over!

The Days of Frustration Are Over!

God has heard our prayers. Our days of frustration are coming to an end!

The enemy is very clever at using our ego to edge God out of our lives. He will convince us that right is wrong and wrong is right. He is the master at playing head games that cause confusion even in the best conditions. Our best days shall be ahead of us. There is a secret that will open our eyes to see God all around us…Miracles are always hidden in adversity!

The truth is, whatever is contrary is only temporary! When we are next in line for a miracle, we cannot allow the negative reactions of others to throw us off our game. While God is preparing us for the miracle, He is working on getting the attention of our adversary. Great responsibility has been placed on our shoulders. The old has passed away, and we’re being made new.

Let Your Faith Be Your Armor

As long as we continue to wear our armor, the darts from the enemy will have no success. The enemy gets the glory when the dominoes start falling and we feel helpless to do anything about it. The solo acts are being eliminated in this season. The Holy Spirit saying, “No one person can obtain wealth or happiness by themselves.” Get ready, because there is a season of yielding overdue miracles!

The adversity that has appeared in our lives to try to bring us back to “Egypt” WILL NOT manifest in our experience! Our faith must unlock the door to our wealth, health and happiness. Repeat this affirmation… “I am filled with the desire to make the necessary changes for manifestation to happen in my life.” When change comes knocking at our doors, do not hesitate to open it.

What can really stop us once our minds are made up to go for it? The only chance the enemy has in succeeding against us is when we forget our Source. It’s no secret that the enemy wants us to remain the same, stuck in a perpetual state of confusion and complacency. But when things seem to be at their worst, we have always been able to go within ourselves and make something happen.

God is saying, “NEVER let them see us sweat!” The energy that we are using to manifest the seed is the same energy that is available to us every single day.

Our naysayers will always gather when it looks like we will not make it. They will show up as spectators, in hopes that we will throw in the towel. They will show up shouting, “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!” But the Spirit saying, “Our miracle is in motion!”

Have No Fear

Stop operating in fear and start moving in faith. The Holy Spirit will never leave us on an island by ourselves. Whenever trouble shows up to run interference in our lives, the Holy Spirit will raise a standard of excellence. Your MIRACLE in motion is on the other side waiting for you to show up! The power of prophecy is working for us and our households. So, count it all with joy!

Deep sea fishing doesn’t happen hanging around the shore. When we want something we’ve never had, we must do something we’ve never done. What has been holding us down and keeping us from seeing the truth shall be exposed. God arrests the grip of poverty and sickness as we begin to walk in our truth.

To discover our treasure trove, we must do things differently! We cannot run and hide when the voice of God comes calling our name. We must seek the face of the Father like never before. It is in His presence where we find ourselves. Right before the breakthrough, in the midst of adversity, right at the brink of destruction, a sound comes from heaven saying, “Be of good courage!”


Every step that we take, we should move with confidence and in harmony towards our destiny. We’ve gone through the fire, we’ve gone through the rain, and our faith has sustained us. The enemy will always show up every time God is preparing our harvest.

“Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:” (Philippians 1:6)

When we KNOW the truth that we are a winner, we will prevail. The storms don’t last always. Weeping, heartache and pain may last for a night, but joy comes in the morning. When we connect ourselves to the all-knowing, all-powerful God, we will prevail. Think about your life. Think about the endless possibilities that are waiting for us. Your miracle is in motion!

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