The Enemy Can’t Touch You!

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The Enemy Can’t Touch You!

The Enemy Can’t Touch You!

Despite What You May Think, The Enemy Can’t Touch You!

“Then the LORD stretched out His hand and touched my mouth, and the LORD said to me, “Behold, I have put My words in your mouth.” (Jeremiah 1:9)

I’ve placed a picture of a hand in this letter as a point of contact because I know you have been touched by obstacles, challenges and setbacks and you’ve been enduring the anguish of trying to keep it all together for quite some time now, haven’t you? I know because I felt this strongly on yesterday.

When the Lord revealed this to me, I began to tarry for you! The Lord then began to stretch forth His hand to touch my mouth and place His word in my mouth for you, because you’re about to experience a supernatural touch from heaven! Hallelujah! Thank You, Jesus! You see, despite what you may think, I know the enemy can’t touch you even though…

  • Life has handed you some heartaches, hasn’t it?
  • You’ve been handling this load mostly by yourself, haven’t you?
  • No one wants to lend you a hand unless something’s in it for them!
I’ve placed a picture of a hand in this letter as a point of contact because God is not a man that He should lie! God reveals your future to me and He stretches forth His hand now as the Holy Spirit anoints your mouth to declare for your breakthrough, your turnaround and your victory in the precious name of Jesus!
I heard them talking about you. I heard them laughing at your struggle. I even saw them maiming you for destruction. But the Lord is stretching forth His mighty hand to touch my mouth and He is placing His word of protection in my mouth for you even now! For the Lord says,

“You, shall not suffer the touch of defeat by the hand of the enemy yet you shall experience a supernatural touch from heaven and I shal

l stretch forth My hand to anoint you mouth to speak forth breakthrough, turnaround and victory on this day!”
  • The Lord has stretched forth His hand to touch my mouth and He has placed His word in my mouth to deliver a supernatural touch for your future in the precious name of Jesus! Despite what you may think, the enemy can’t touch you! 
 Say 3 times now,


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